The BLA holds monthly meetings from September through May, culminating in its annual dinner at which its officers for the ensuing year are installed. Meetings are held at various Czech restaurants in the Chicago area, and feature authentic ethnic cuisine and speakers on topics of cultural, professional, and local interest. Several of our meetings include CLE credit hours. Our meeting schedule is available here. To apply for BLA membership, please visit our members page.
We are fortunate to live in one of the world's greatest cities. Please join us in celebrating Czech and Slovak culture at a local event. The BLA sponsors events throughout the year. Planning to visti the Czech Republic? Join us for our annual trip each autumn. To learn more, please visit our events page.
Download 2016 - 2017 Scholarship Application Here
The Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago is the oldest ethnic Bar Association in Illinois. We are proud to support our community. The Bohemian Lawyers' Scholarship Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has awarded $186,000 in grants to 92 law students since 1999. All persons of Czech, Moravian, Ruthenian, Silesian or Slovak ancestry enrolled in an accredited law school in the greater Chicagoland area are eligible for a Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago (BLAC) annual scholarship. Scholarships from $2,500 up to $5,000 payable to the recipient’s law school, are presented at the Bohemian Lawyers' Annual Installation Dinner in May. To apply for a scholarship or to make a donation, please go to scholarships.